Adaptable | Evidence-based | Accessible

Children’s early school success depends heavily on successful social-emotional development. The SELF curriculum uses children’s literature to foster positive social-emotional development and literacy.

Strategies for young children to learn social-emotional skills found in the SELF curriculum fit into your daily lesson plans – perfect for education professionals, as well as, parents and caregivers.

Join us to learn how to use the SELF curriculum. Attendees who complete the two-session professional development will be given access to the SELF curriculum online and entered into a drawing for one of six full curriculum sets.

SELF Curriculum Orientation Coming


Adaptable | Evidence-based | Accessible

Children’s early school success depends heavily on successful social-emotional development. The SELF curriculum uses children’s literature to foster positive social-emotional development and literacy.

Strategies for young children to learn social-emotional skills found in the SELF curriculum fit into your daily lesson plans – perfect for education professionals, as well as, parents and caregivers.

Join us to learn how to use the SELF curriculum. Attendees who complete the two-session professional development will be given access to the SELF curriculum online and entered into a drawing for one of six full curriculum sets.

Kindergarten and First Grade Sessions

August 2 and 5, 3:30–5 p.m.*

*Attendance required at both sessions to access SELF curriculum and enter into giveaway drawing