Children’s early school success depends heavily on successful social-emotional development.

The Social-Emotional Learning Foundations (SELF) curriculum uses children’s literature to foster positive social-emotional development and literacy in grades K and 1.

“The children really enjoyed the SELF lessons. The biggest change in the kids is their vocabulary development; it goes beyond just (saying) happy and sad. Now they’re using (words like) frustrated and excited, disappointed and jealous. They know what they’re feeling is normal. It’s how you handle your emotions that matters.” (Self Teacher)


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Strategies for young children to learn social-emotional skills


Great curriculum for education professionals and families

Our Curriculum

SELF was developed as a Tier 2 intervention taught in the general education setting to promote social-emotional development for primary grade children at early risk for emotional and/or behavioral difficulties. It differs from other targeted interventions by (a) including a universal component and (b) integrating social-emotional learning with literacy instruction to strengthen language important to social-emotional learning and promote self-regulation.

Explore Kindergarten Topics

17 Topics Go at Your Own Pace

In Kindergarten, children learn that everyone experiences a variety of emotions. They have opportunities to talk about how they might express their emotions, learn how to recognize how others feel, and discuss how to make choices that lead to consequences they like.

To gain access to either curriculum, please register for our upcoming webinars.


Explore First Grade Topics

17 Topics Go at Your Own Pace

In First Grade, children develop a deeper awareness of various emotions and how to express them responsibly. These skills help children show they understand and care about the thoughts and feelings of others by making responsible choices.

To gain access to either curriculum, please register for our upcoming webinars.


The SELF curriculum was developed and evaluated with support from the Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Special Education Research, grants #R324A100020 and #R324A160316.