Lesson 14.1

Lesson Focus (1 minutes) When we met last time we talked about how our friends do things with us, help us when we need help, and care for us.  Today we’re going to talk about how friends can be different and still be friends. Remember when we talked about our favorite...

Lesson 14.2

Lesson Focus (1 minutes) When we met last time we talked about the many ways friends can be different from each other and still be friends.  In the story we read, Being Friends, Karen and Joy had some similarities, but they had lots of differences, too.  They...

Lesson 14.3

Lesson Focus (1 minutes) *Note:  Refer back to the Friends’ Similarities and Differences Chart We’ve been talking about how friends can have similarities and differences.  What do you remember about the things you like that are similar to what your friend likes?      ...

Lesson 13.1

Lesson Focus (5 minutes) *Note:  You will need the Friends Word Web Chart for this activity. We’re all friends here at school and most of us have friends at home, too.  Take a minute to think about one of your friends.  Are you thinking about your friend now? Show...

Lesson 13.2

Lesson Focus (3 minutes) We talked about how friends do fun things with us, talk with us, and help us when we need help.  We also talked about how friends can help us calm down when we’re upset or nervous about something. We know another way we can calm down is to...