by Robin | Oct 6, 2020
Lesson Focus (3 minutes) *Note: You will need the Friends Word Web Chart for this activity. Refer to the chart and help students recall what they said about being a friend. Is there anything else you can think of that a friend did to help or care for you? (Add...
by Robin | Oct 6, 2020
Lesson Focus (1 minutes) We all have times when we want to talk and it’s important to express our thoughts and feelings to others. But, it’s also important for others to have a chance to share THEIR thoughts and feelings. We show respect for the thoughts and...
by Robin | Oct 6, 2020
Lesson Focus (1 minutes) In the story, My Mouth is a Volcano, we read about Louis who thinks that what he has to say is so important that he interrupts others when they’re talking. Sometimes we might interrupt others, too. Unless it’s an emergency, we need to...
by Robin | Oct 6, 2020
Lesson Focus (1 minutes) Last time we talked about respecting others by waiting for our turn to talk. We all have things we think are important and we want to tell others. That’s a good thing! However, unless it’s an emergency, we need to remember not to interrupt...
by Robin | Oct 6, 2020
Lesson Focus (1 minutes) Last time, we talked about how we can soothe or comfort others when we notice they need help. Today we’re going to talk about how our words and actions might cause others to feel a certain way. For example, we might say or do something that...