Lesson 1.1

Lesson Focus (3 minutes) Review YOUR classroom rules with students and discuss how rules help us work together, learn more, and get along better. Rules are instructions that tell us what we can and cannot do.Tell students that when you follow the rules you cooperate....

Lesson 1.1

Lesson Focus (3 minutes) Review YOUR classroom rules with students and discuss how rules help us work together, learn more, and get along better. Rules are instructions that tell us what we can and cannot do.Tell students that when you follow the rules you cooperate....

Lesson 1.2

Lesson Focus (1 minutes) When we met last time, we talked about why it’s important to have classroom rules.  We also talked about how we can cooperate by working together and following the rules.  We practiced how to respect others by waiting our turn and listening,...

Lesson 1.2

Lesson Focus (1 minute) When we met last time, we talked about why it’s important to have classroom rules.  We also talked about how we can cooperate by working together and following the classroom rules so that we can learn more.  That means we pay attention, listen...

Lesson 1.3

Lesson Focus (5 minutes) When we met last time, we talked about why it’s important to respect others, follow the classroom rules, and wait for our turn to talk.  Unless it’s an emergency, we shouldn’t interrupt others when they’re talking.  We need to cooperate by...