by Robin | Oct 16, 2020
Lesson Focus (1 minute) We’ve been talking about how important it is to pay attention to the feelings of others. We can tell how others are feeling by listening to them or looking at their facial expressions and body language. For example, if we notice someone is...
by Robin | Oct 16, 2020
Lesson Focus (1 minute) Last time we talked about caring for and comforting others. When we care for someone, we want him or her to feel good or happy. When we comfort someone, we DO things that will help him or her feel better. Setting the Purpose for ReadingToday...
by Robin | Oct 16, 2020
Lesson Focus (1 minute) We’ve been discussing how we can care for the feelings of others. When we care about others, we want them to be happy. We can comfort others when they need help or aren’t feeling well. Trixie’s family cared about her feelings when she lost...
by Robin | Oct 6, 2020
Lesson Focus (1 minutes) Last time we talked about how Ben, Maya, and Jack were comforted in the story, Everybody Feels…Scared. We also talked about how Maya’s teacher comforted her by telling her not to be scared and by putting her arm around her. This is how she...
by Robin | Oct 6, 2020
Lesson Focus (1 minutes) We’ve been talking about how we can care for others and soothe or comfort them when they are sick or need help. In the story, Bear Feels Sick, Bear was cared for by his friends.When Bear’s friends were worried about him, what were some things...