Lesson 5.1

Lesson Focus (1 minutes) In all the stories we’ve been reading, we’ve talked about our feelings, or emotions.  Emotions is another word for feelings.  Emotions are how we feel inside.  We’ve also been talking about how we can use our words to express our feelings so...

Lesson 5.2

Lesson Focus (1 minutes) When we read the book, Sometimes I Feel Like a Storm Cloud, we discussed some of the emotions Mattie was experiencing and how feelings can change in a matter of minutes.Setting the Purpose for Reading Let’s read the story again and find out...

Lesson 5.3

Lesson Focus (1 minutes) Remember, the last time we met, we read the story Sometimes I Feel Like a Storm Cloud and we talked about how Mattie’s feelings or emotions changed?  It’s important for us to understand that even when we’re feeling upset, mad, or frustrated,...

Lesson 5.1

Lesson Focus (1 minute) We’ve been talking about recognizing different emotions like proud, frustrated, and embarrassed.  We’ve also discussed how important it is to express our feelings so that others can understand us better.  Today we’re going to think about how...

Lesson 5.2

Lesson Focus (1 minute) We’ve been talking about different emotions and how our moods can change throughout the day.  In the story, Today I Feel Silly, we talked about the different feelings the little girl experienced, like glad, excited, confused, and discouraged....