Lesson 9.1

Lesson Focus (1 minute) When we read, The Way I Feel, we talked about our feelings or emotions.  You’ve become very good at identifying feelings.  You know when you’re grumpy, excited, frustrated and proud.However, everyone may not have the same feelings you have. ...

Lesson 9.2

Lesson Focus (1 minute) In the story we read last time, It’s Mine!, how were the frogs acting toward each other at the beginning of the story?       (They didn’t want to share.  They quarreled.)Yes, they were only thinking about themselves.  They weren’t thinking...

Lesson 9.3

Lesson Focus (1 minute) We’ve been talking about recognizing the emotions of others and how it can help us get along better.  In the story, It’s Mine!, three frogs learn a lesson about getting along with each other. Retelling the Story (5 minutes) Now, I’d like for...

Lesson 9.1

Lesson Focus (1 minutes) We’ve been talking about our feelings.  Sometimes we may be happy, and sometimes we’re angry or afraid.  Others can usually tell how we feel by looking at our facial expressions and body language.  Today, we’re going to pay attention to...

Lesson 9.2

Lesson Focus (3 minutes) We’ve been talking about how important it is to recognize the feelings of others.  How can we tell how someone is feeling?       (We know how someone is feeling, when they tell us and/or when we “read” or pay attention to         their facial...