by Robin | Oct 7, 2020
Lesson Focus (8 minutes) Last time we met, we read the story, Peter’s Chair, and talked about feeling jealous. Peter was jealous of his baby sister. He didn’t want to share his things with her.How would you feel if you had to share your favorite toy or game?...
by Robin | Oct 7, 2020
Lesson Focus (1 minutes) We’re learning to recognize strong emotions like fear, anger, and jealousy. We’ve also talked about how to use our Steps for Problem Solving so we can make choices that will help us feel better whether we’re afraid, angry, jealous, or...
by Robin | Oct 7, 2020
Lesson Focus (1 minutes) Today we’re going to learn what we can DO when we feel upset. If something upsets you, it might make you feel sad, frustrated, or even angry. You might be upset if you have to do something over again, like making your bed or brushing your...
by Robin | Oct 7, 2020
Lesson Focus (4 minutes) We’ve talked about feeling angry and about some of the things that make us angry and upset. How does it feel to be angry? (Accept all reasonable responses.) In the story, Sometimes I’m Bombaloo, Katie said anger is a strong fierce...
by Robin | Oct 7, 2020
Lesson Focus (1 minutes) We’ve been talking about what we can do to feel better when we’re angry or feeling other strong emotions. In the story, When I Feel Angry, Bunny learned different ways to calm down when she was feeling upset. Review (Recall Details from the...